We can all name some of the many religions that are in existence,
there is Christianity, Judaism, Kabbalah, Scientology, Buddhism, Hinduism, Catholism and numerous others that all proclaim
to be the one. The one that will save you from yourself, save you from the world or save you from others.
However there is only one that will not only change you as an individual,
but it will do so while respecting all the other religions that have come before it and ones that haven't even been conceived
yet. That religion is the Church of Religious Science/Science of Mind. It is not to be confused with the Church
of Scientology which toutes many famous faces amongst it's vast growing following.
The Science of Mind church was founded by Ernest Holmes in 1927.
One of the core concepts of this religion is that, we are all right. All of the religions are right in their beliefs,
the connection is that we are all basically saying the same thing. We want a better life, we want that life to be peaceful
and content and free from all discord.
What the individual deities are called for each of these religions
is of no consequence since all of the names really mean the same thing. Allah, Buddha, Ja is a matter of preference and
shows the personal connection a nation of people may have to their deity through the use of language to name someone. The
connection is that all of the dieties have a commonality, there is typically a male who has lived a life of modest
means, who was persecuted and or killed, there is a scene of resurrection and transcendence to a higher state.
In the school of new thought for religious science in lieu of what is traditionally called
prayer, religious scientists prefer the title treatment. Treatment can be administered by the individual or you can
utilize what is known as a Practitioner within in the church. A practitioner is similar to a prayer partner. Treatment
is a form of addressing an area of ones life that needs improvement or focus to recognize the betterment that can come from
a situation. The steps for treaments as provided by the Wikipedia Encyclopedia are as follows:
1. Recognition:
There is one Spirit. Spirit is all there is.
2. Unification: Spirit and I are one. I live, move, and have my being
in God.
3. Realization: A series of statements affirming/declaring
the outcome desired.
4. Thanksgiving: Being thankful that we have
received the desired outcome, or something even better.
5. Release: Giving it over to the Law and
letting the Law do its work.
Tolerance & Women In Leadership
One of the other areas that religious science seems to supercede some of the other religions
with regards to tolerance, is it's support of women in roles of leadership within the church.
Locally at the East Bay Church of Religious Science in Oakland Ca., the head minister is a
woman and the assistance minister is also a woman. The concept behind equal treatment is that, the body and therefore
the gender of that body is merely the current form for which a person is occupying. So instead of getting lost in the
semantics that are associated with the expectations that come with gender roles in society, women are encouraged to be a working
and active part of the church.
This belief can sometimes be in direct conflict with more traditional minded churches which
have always taught that women should be in subservient or more supportive roles, but not in lead positions. More recently
other christian based denominations have began to ease their strict stances on women in leadership roles and have faced many
criticisms from their followers who are not ready for such change.
Can Everything Really Be So Perfect?
One of the admitted debates in the church is gay marriage, one of the hot bed topics which
has pitted political friends and foes against one another and church against state. However, even with the inhouse debate
about the legality and rights of gay marriage in new thought churches, it is understood that no matter the sexual orientation,
everyone has an equal opportunity and right to worship and to do so in safety from persecution.