New Millenium Congregations

Organizations & Groups
Web Essay Sources

Figure 1 - Science of Mind/Religious Science Symbol

New Millenium congregations are saving lives, by changing one mind at a time.

The important contributions of religion in the molding of society illustrates a longstanding ying and yang relationship between the two entities.  Despite criticisms on the importance and or status of religion in the world, people have always upheld the concept of believing in a higher power and the importance that higher power has in their viewing of the world as a whole.  The problem has rested in how we worship, when we worship and what we call ourselves and that higher power during our worship that creates differences and magnifies the differences.  Various representatives in the clergy world have tried to tie commonalities in religions together to bring a level of tolerance and understanding to bridge the gap between people in hopes of positively affecting how we see each other.  Even with that noble effort there were always differences which proved insurmountable and have at times even widened the divide.
But at last, there could be some hope on the horizon in the arena of new thought religions.  There is a growing trend amongst newer religions, which unfairly have been characterized as being new, but which have been around for many years.  They have never received much credit due to their "non traditional" approach to belief, tolerance and worship.  

Web Essay Final * Anthropology  * Cal State East Bay * Hayward, CA